Read on for an opportunity from The Institute of Infection and Immunity (III):

The Institute of Infection and Immunity recently launched its Strategic Plan: 2019-2020, a 2-year extension of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. As you know, we are in the process of developing the long-term 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and will align it with CIHR’s Strategic Plan.

We strongly believe in the importance of engaging with our community and as part of the 2021-25 Strategic Planning process, the Institute will engage with the III community across Canada as we work towards the development of our priorities, aligned with the mandate of the Institute, in the area of infection and immunity research. The input we will receive through these engagements is invaluable in guiding our discussions and informing our decision-making process.

Our Canadian tour will happen between January and March 2020 and will include destinations like Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Sudbury, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, and Halifax. In order to facilitate participation to these workshops, we recently launched the CIHR – Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) – Strategic Planning Engagement Workshop Travel Bursaries, where we offer up to $2.5K for researchers, trainees and knowledge users to attend the workshops. The deadline for applications is September 26.

In order to get a good participation at these workshops, we would like to spread the word and kindly ask you to disseminate the information to your network. We would like to emphasize that III mandate covers the 4 CIHR pillars of research (biomedical; clinical; health systems and services; social, cultural, environmental and population health) and as such, we would appreciate attendance from people representing the 4 pillars.

Elisabeth Pagé, PhD, MBA
Assistant Scientific Director/Institute of Infection and Immunity
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/Government of Canada
Tel: 905-525-9140 ext. 22018; Cell: 418-563-4932