Who we are


Who we are
The IMAGINE (Inflammation, Microbiome, and Alimentation: Gastro-Intestinal and Neuropsychiatric Effects) Chronic Disease Network involves 17 hospitals/universities and 75 researchers across Canada who will study the interactions between the inflammation, microbiome, diet and mental health in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  The IMAGINE Network is one of five chronic disease networks in the SPOR (Strategy for Patient Oriented Research) initiative of CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research).
Our Mission
Transform the management of IBD and IBS and associated mental health issues with these disorders.
Our Goals
The overall aim of IMAGINE Network is to understand the interactions between diet-microbiome-host and find new therapies for the treatment of IBS, IBD and associated psychiatric disorders.

  • Develop innovative therapies (changes in diet, probiotics, fecal transplants or antibiotics) to improve IBD, IBS and mental health
  • Improve outcomes of existing therapies through the assessment of diet-microbiome-host interactions
  • Develop strategies to optimize current therapies to target those who will most benefit from medication as well as identify those in whom medication can be safely discontinued with significant personal benefit and cost savings to the Canadian healthcare system