by veronica | May 11, 2018
Shauna Jones is a busy, full-time working wife and mom of two daughters, one of whom has Crohn’s disease. Her education includes a Bachelor of Arts BA, Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) BJH and Masters in Adult Education M.Ed. She currently work as a Campus Registrar...
by veronica | Mar 9, 2017
Sophie LeBlanc is a Grade 11 student at Prince Andrew High School in Dartmouth, NS in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at age 8 in 2010, she has a secondary development of arthritis. She has been through the wringer in...
by veronica | Feb 16, 2017
Dr. Anthony Otley is a Professor of Paediatrics and Medicine at Dalhousie University. He is the Division Head of the Division of Gastroenterology & Nutrition at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The IWK Health Centre is the tertiary children’s...