by veronica | Mar 28, 2018
Dr. Jack Satsangi is a professor at The University of Edinburgh. His research combines clinical gastroenterology, in which his main focus is the management of inflammatory bowel disease, with an extensive programme of academic activities – including basic,...
by veronica | Mar 28, 2018
Gert Van Assche is professor of medicine in the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Leuven (Belgium). His research focuses on novel therapies in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), fibrogenesis, and mucosal immunology in IBD. Dr. Van...
by veronica | Mar 28, 2018
Ernst Kuipers trained in gastroenterology and hepatology. He was appointed as member of the Erasmus MC Board of Directors on 1 December 2012 and has been chairman of the Board since 15 March 2013. He was educated in the Netherlands (Groningen, Enschede, Deventer and...
by veronica | Mar 28, 2018
Dr. Eamonn M. M. Quigley, past president of the American College of Gastroenterology and the World Gastroenterology Organization, joined the faculty at Houston Methodist Hospital as head of its Gastroenterology and Hepatology division in 2013. Prior to his move to...
by veronica | Mar 28, 2018
Dr. Huttenhower’s research focuses on computational biology at the intersection of microbial community function and human health. The human body carries some four pounds of microbes, primarily in the gut, and understanding their biomolecular functions, their...