This research project is focused on exploring the experiences of individuals living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). More specifically, this study aims to investigate the complex and dynamic relationship that young adults between 18 and 35 years old with IBD have with food.

This is a peer-to-peer research study: interns undertaking this project have the patient experience themselves. We are being trained in peer-to-peer research (the PaCER program). This study is part of our internship. Using focus groups and narrative interviews, patient participants will help us understand how patients living with IBD relate to food.  We hope to help the medical community understand the authentic patient experience in hopes of creating a better foundation for their future healthcare experiences. As PaCER interns, we want to hear the voice of the patient.

We are looking for participants who:

  • Are between 18 and 35 years of age
  • Have sufficientfluency in English to participate in interviews or focus groups
  • Live in Canada
  • Self-identify as having been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (such as Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, or indeterminate colitis)
  • Consent to taking part in a focus group and/or interview with PaCERinterns

Patients cannot participate if they:

  • Have a close personal relationship with any member of the research team that may influence their ability to refuse participation

Focus groups and interviews will be conducted online via a secured videoconferencing application called Jitsi Meet. As the focus groups and interviews are conducted online, people can be located anywhere in Canada and still be able to participate. 

Primary Investigator: 
Dr. Nancy Marlett, PhD
Director of Patient and Community Engagement Research Program
Associate Professor at Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

PaCER Mentor:
Deirdre Walsh, PaCER Mentor

PaCER Interns: 
Kim Daley, PaCER Intern,
Sunny Loo, PaCER Intern,
Jenna Rines, PaCER Intern,
Kwestan Safari, PaCER Intern,


If you require additional information about this study, please feel free to contact any of our PaCER team members at your convenience.